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We do all the research, you do all the thriving

Did you know ISPA members have unlimited access to a vast research library available 24/7 through the ISPA website?

Our research collection includes valuable consumer and spa industry research studies that provide a wealth of insights and information.

ISPA’s consumer and industry research is conducted through PricewaterhouseCoopers and is made possible through the ISPA Foundation and its donors.

The annual ISPA U.S. Spa Industry Study is now in

its 18th year and continues to monitor key performance metrics including revenue, spa visits, revenue

per visits, locations and total employment.

In addition to this, ISPA members have access to eight

volumes of the Consumer Snapshot Initiative, which was launched to better understand spa-goer and

non-spa- goer choices and their overall perception of the spa industry.

Last, but definitely not least, the ISPA Research Library includes over 50 Snapshot Surveys which are designed to help members stay attuned to what’s trending in the spa industry.

These reports cover a

wide variety of topics including customer loyalty, employee recruitment, training and retention,

quarterly performance, technology, retail sales and so much more.

If you’re an ISPA member but haven’t taken advantage of the great member benefit that is the ISPA

Research Library, simply log in to and start exploring.

Not an ISPA member but want

to learn more about this and other great member benefits? Contact a member of the ISPA team today.

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